Days of Poetry and Wine, one of the largest and most recognizable international poetry festival in this part of Europe.

Mohan Rana
Mohan Rana (1964, India) is a Hindi poet who grew up and studied in
Delhi. Now living for many years in Bath, England, he has been writing
poems exploring themes of identity, truth, memories, and nature. He has
published eight poetry collections in Hindi. Rana participated in the
Ledbury Poetry Festival (2011), Stanza International Poetry Festival
(2014), New Delhi World Book Fair (2014), Slovenian Book Fair Ljubljana
(2016), English Pen Literary Salon at London Book Fair (2017) and Odisha Art & Literature Festival, Bhubaneswar (2018).
His poems have been translated into Spanish, Italian, Norwegian,
German, Croatian, Slovenian, Belarusian, Marathi and Nepali.
Trilingual ebook download
Evenings before Days: KRŠKO
26. August/Wednesday/ 19:00
City Park Krško, Krško
Sergej Harlamov (SVN) Urška Kramberger (SVN) Mohan Rana (IND)
Music: Daša Berglez, guitar
Moderator: Eva Premk Bogataj
Poetry reading.
*In cooperation with Valvasor Library Krško
Days of Poetry and Wine in MURSKA SOBOTA
27. August/Thursday/ 20:00
Skrito dvorišče pri Hranilnici prekmurskih dobrot, Murska Sobota
Mohan Rana (IND) Mikael Vogel (DEU)
Music: Neisha - voice / keyboards, Luka Ivanovič - guitar
Moderator: Benjamin Langner Von Höveling
Poetry reading and musical performance.
* In cooperation with Murska Sobota Regional and Study Library
Days of Poetry and Wine in VITOMARCI
28. August/Friday/ 18:30
Hrgova hiška Ethnological Museum, Vitomarci
Mohan Rana (IND)
Poetry readings: Recitation section KUD Vitomarci
Glasba: Mateja Predikaka Toš, guitar in Nika Rojko, clavinova
Wine: Wine and Fruit Growers Association of Vitomarci
Poetry reading, musical performances and wine tasting
*In cooperation with Vitomarci Cultural and Artistic Society and Municipality of Sv. Andraž v Slovenskih goricah
Private Reading: Mohan Rana (IND)
29. August/Saturday/ 17:00
Sonja and Franc Purgaj, Ptuj
Mohan Rana (IND)
Wine: Vino renski rizling, vintner VERUS vinogradi d. o. o., Ormož
Moderator: Kristina Kočan
Hosts: Sonja and Franc Purgaj (Grajska ulica 2)
The number of guests is limited and we kindly ask to book your seat in advance by signing up here:

Main Evening Event - Grand Poetry Reading
29. August/Saturday/ 20:30
Vraz Square, Ptuj
Mikael Vogel (DEU) Urška Kramberger (SVN) Mohan Rana (IND) Krystyna Dąbrowska (POL)
Patrizia Cavalli (ITA) video reading
Moderator: Aleš Šteger
Pre-registration for the event is not required. Due to the measures taken to contain the new Coronavirus disease, a limited number of visitors can be admitted to this event. You are expected to act responsibly and comply with the instructions from the National Institute of Public Health and thus help to ensure safety at the festival. The venue opens at 7:30 p.m.